Weight Loss 101

Feb 1, 2024

Many of my patients ask me questions about weight loss. Hey doc…how do I lose weight? What is my ideal weight? What is the difference between a low carb diet, keto diet, high protein diet?  Should I fast? Etc etc. 

Well, if you haven’t noticed, there’s no quick remedy to weight loss. But I will share one thought with you….weight loss starts in your mind. Studies have shown that the passion to lose weight will begin in your brain. Here are several strategies to assist when setting your weight loss goals. 

******Consult a doctor to assist with your weight loss plan

1. Weight loss begins with goal setting, focus on healthier food chooses, and strategic planning to select foods with a lower calorie value. 

2. Meal planning and timing matter. Late-night snacks are a no-no! Eating every 2-3 hours helps to keep a steady-state of hormone levels that regulate your metabolism and crave.

3. Resist compulsion….emotional eating, binging eating, overconsumption, or under consumption. 

4. Introspection is paramount to determining why you “do what you do”. Self-analysis leads to correction of negative behaviors and formation of new habits.

5. Chose to make a lifestyle change, not follow a diet. When we participate in weight loss changes, commercial diets, and the like after the diet has concluded, we quickly revert back to our prior habits. Consider changing your food choices and meal prep and planning ahead. This will help to reduce snacking on a sugar-filled snack or fatty foods.

6. Consider eating lean pieces of meat like chicken, turkey, and fish. Avoid pork due to sodium and beef. 

7. Consider completing a food journal or using an app on your cell phone to log water intake, food choices, vitamin use, etc. 

8. Get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is restorative and allows the body and mind to rest and resume homeostasis. 

9. Exercise. Easy workout schedules are less stressful and easily accomplished. 

10. Lastly, enjoy the journey. Laugh, dance, explore your surroundings! Increasing your endorphins have shown to promote weight loss and build stamina for maintaining your goal. 

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