A Road Well Traveled

Feb 1, 2024

I ask myself many times why do I encounter the events of my life. Should I be learning a lesson? Am I the teacher or the student? 

I think God uses all opportunities to make us into vessels for His mission. For instance, over my career, I have held many titles and at times the jobs were very difficult and challenging. Some days I wanted to give up, or just run away from my duties!!! But God sustained me, nurtured me, and guided me through each phase of the journey. For some jobs, I had very few duties, while in other positions I had many duties. Regardless of the position,  I know I was instrumental in God’s plan. In December 2019, our world was turned upside down with the emergence of the covid 19 pandemic.  The pandemic has redefined the scope of my career. My colleagues and I are not only overwhelmed with the development of protocols and procedures to protect patients and personnel, but we are crippled by the number of deaths resulting from this virus. How do you cope during the crisis? How can you take this chaos and find beauty in the ashes?  

Prayer, fasting, and supplication.  

Through fasting prayer and supplication we can petition God to give us strength and courage during our times of trouble. As surely as God knows our hearts and desires, he is able and capable of providing rest and comfort during any storm. He provides answers to our prayers, and rest for the weary hearts. I believe that God uses these times to fashion us into His image and help us to build a relationship with Him. God’s purpose cannot be envisioned in our earthen eyes, thus we are to remain faithful to Him and trust the mission and journey that He has us travel.  

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